Hurricane season is upon us. That means that at any time, a storm could pop up and head towards our coastline. The wind and rain that comes with hurricanes can be dangerous and devastating. This could lead to widespread preparations and evacuations. These are some things you should know if you have to evacuate during hurricane season…

How-to Evacuate During Hurricane Season: Evacuation Plans


If you live in an area that could possibly be affected by hurricanes, it is smart to be prepared. You should go ahead and always have a little bag packed with emergency preparedness items. This should have some things like some non-perishable food, a several-day supply of medicine, and other important items. If you have kids, throw some road-trip activities into this kit so that the kids will be entertained on the drive. This way, you will have fewer things to gather up in the event that you have to evacuate during hurricane season.

Vehicle Preparation

If you know there is a storm that could possibly be on track to hit your area, go ahead and get gas so that you are set to be able to drive a long distance. Sometimes during evacuations, there can be chaos and long lines at the gas station. Even having a small, back-up canister of gas could be helpful too, as gas can become harder to find during a hurricane. You will also want to familiarize yourself with the evacuation routes in your area so that you won’t have to scramble last minute.

Make sure your car is up-to-date on its maintenance so that you do not break down mid-evacuation. Double check tire pressure, oil levels and other maintenance related things so that you do not run into trouble while trying to evacuate during hurricane season.


If it comes time to evacuate, make sure to secure your house first. Try and move anything outside that could fly away or into your house. Also, cover your windows with a durable material like wood. This will help to protect your home until you return.

Before hitting the road, make sure to tell a friend or family member what your route and plans are. Do not wait until the last minute to evacuate during hurricane season. You will want plenty of time to get out and drive safely to the place you are seeking shelter. Frantically rushing out last minute could lead to getting caught in traffic jams or an accident.